2019 Black tie Gala
This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, drawing support from elected officials, the city's legal community, and other prominent New Yorker's who love our after-school program and camps. Please pass along any referrals to individuals and companies who would like to attend the gala and donate products to our silent auction.
Please register online as there will be no onsite registration.
Our gala is scheduled for Monday, June 24, and will take place on a boat cruise. The Liberty Belle will set sail from Pier 36 at 299 South Street, navigating around Manhattan and providing breathtaking views of the Statue of Liberty. The night starts at 6:30 p.m. and ends at 10 p.m. Dinner, dancing, and open bar are included.
Please register online as there will be no onsite registration.
Our gala is scheduled for Monday, June 24, and will take place on a boat cruise. The Liberty Belle will set sail from Pier 36 at 299 South Street, navigating around Manhattan and providing breathtaking views of the Statue of Liberty. The night starts at 6:30 p.m. and ends at 10 p.m. Dinner, dancing, and open bar are included.
Do you know an individual or company that would like to attend the gala, buy an ad in the gala program or help create a scholarship for our students? Please let us know. Your referrals help support Super Happy Healthy Kids cover the costs of organic snacks, arts and craft supplies, activities and sports equipment.

Also, we are seeking donations for our gala silent auction. Got connections for tickets to Broadway and sporting events, or special products and services? Please let us know!
Can’t wait to see all of you on June 24th. Please encourage your family and friends to attend. Please share far and wide.