what our interns say about us
Anel OrazgaliyevaApplied Psychology and Human Relations, Pace University
"Super Happy Healthy Kids taught me how to treat and teach children something correctly, without lectures, but through love and care. I was able to experience concept psychology in real life. I also admire the head of this organization, Ms. Esther. She controls so many areas in her life and is always in harmony and peace. And this can be seen in her organization too."
Arin FaragApplied Psychology and Human Relations, Pace University
"The two sentences that sum up my experience at the program: I spent 3 months interning at the Super Happy Healthy Kids program. The experience was delightful. From this experience I have learned the true meaning of leadership. I learned that obtaining a true relationship with the kids was through love, care, productive and positivity. I have received the outmost care and respect from my supervisor Esther and continuous motivation from her team. An environment filled with love."
Our Mission
Kind Words. Kind Acts. Join our movement to stamp out meanness and bullying. ™